
There is a reason why the media, your friends and family, medical doctors and even experts in nutrition cannot agree on nutritional advice. Everybody is on a wild hunt for the best diet – the perfect diet for a diverse population of over 7 billion people. The reality is that such a diet could not possibly exist.

Hippocrates said it, “Let food be thy medicine.” Imagine finding out that your local doctor was prescribing every patient he saw with exactly the same medicine! As with medicine, food choices should be made according to the individual and when health changes, diet should change in kind.

This begs the question, how can we determine individual dietary plans? By examining biochemistry, through Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. This analysis reveals a mineral blueprint of the body, allowing for specific dietary recommendations on a personal basis. For example, if your ratio of calcium to magnesium in the hair is out of balance, it indicates an intolerance to carbohydrates which could be impairing digestion and preventing the absorption of vital nutrients. By reducing the intake of carbohydrates, the bloodstream is relieved of excess sugars, the body is able to assimilate foods more effectively and as a result, health improves overall.

The most important hair mineral pattern is the cellular oxidation rate. This reveals the rate at which your cells burn their “fuel”. It can cause havoc if it becomes imbalanced, either burning food at record speed or so slowly that optimal energy production is rendered impossible. When we increase fat intake in the diet, a fast oxidiser will see significant improvements, their oxidation rate will slow down and they will experience a dramatic increase in energy production. A slow oxidiser, on the other hand, will regress in the face of too many fats. The oxidation rate will slow even further and energy production will decrease as a result.

These are just two of the many mineral patterns that influence the dietary needs of your body, all of which are explained in your comprehensive written report. By analysing your mineral levels and ratios, and applying this knowledge to the food you eat, you can be confident that your diet is perfect for you – and you only!

Back in the day of Hippocrates, food alone may well have sufficed as “thy medicine”. Yet he could not possibly have predicted the stark deficiency of our food supply in the 21st century. While the importance of diet in health and wellbeing has not diminished, we can no longer depend on food alone. For this reason, Nutritional Balancing programmes always include customised supplementation. Learn more…